No Shipping! No Shopping!

Thank you, seafarers!

A campaign of Stella Maris Scalabrinian Network

Seafarers provide a significant contribution to the global economy by moving about 90% of the goods in the world. 

Shipping reaffirmed its vital function as the artery of global trade and food supplies when, during the pandemic, seafarers continued working for the benefit of societies and economies around the world. The societies could not have survived without the endurance and sacrifices of the crews that face challenges, inhumane a lot of time, onboard. 

Stella Maris Scalabrinian Network is promoting 


Scalabrinians believe that the most effective way of improving crew well-being and of building a more efficient industry is by collaborating across the industry with stakeholders, organizations, and governments by creating awareness of the vital contribution of seafarers and fishers around the world, especially their experiences. Awareness can be created while supporting them, including their mental well-being.

This campaign foresees involvement from different organizations and sectors working for the well-being of seafarers.

Get ready to set sail, because June 25 is the Day of the Seafarer.

— #SeafarerJourney

Short history of the Day of Seafarer:

No Shipping

Over 90% of global trade is done by sea.

No Shopping

Much of world economic activities depend of shipping.

Thank you, Seafarers

Seafarers continue working for the benefit of societies and economies around the world.

Get involved 


By using the using the Campaign hashtags as a way to "pay tribute" / to "thank" to the Seafarers. We invite you all to post a picture/video "saying" why you are grateful to the seafarers by tagging our social media accounts and using the hashtags below.

Hashtags — #NoShippingNoShopping #Thankyouseafarers #SMSNETW #SMSN